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Nuwan Samarasekera

6 Steps to Craft Winning LinkedIn Posts Every Time

Updated: 2 days ago

Are you building a B2B business? Trying to get more leads? Looking to increase your influence in your domain of expertise? Then LinkedIn is arguably THE place to grow your network and reach.

The catch? So is everyone else competing for the same eyeballs and attention - which is why strategizing your posts is crucial.

Not all posts are created equal... Here's 6 steps to level up your LinkedIn posts.

1) Attention grabbing headline - keep it short, ideally ~8 words

This is your main hook - so use it wisely! Ideally, target for ~8 words for the title.

Pro tip: End with "..." - creates suspense and eagerness to read more and find out...

Here are some examples:

“This Single Change Boosted Our Conversions by 40%…”

“The Secret to Growing Your Network Faster Than Ever…”

“We Almost Missed This Crucial Step in Our Product Launch…”

“Here’s What I Learned After 10 Years in the Industry…”

“This Common Mistake Could Be Costing You Big Time…”

2) Keep it short, simple, engaging

Ideally, target for the post to be less than 150 words. People have short attention spans, and a long post is more likely to be skipped than read at all. Second, keep the language easy to digest. hack:

  • Length -> Shorten: Shortens your content by ~10%. You can apply the shortcut multiple times to get it to the right range. We find that shortening in smaller increments works best to keep the overall structure consistent and ideas in tact.

  • Language -> Simplify: If you tend to write in complicated language, this can come in handy to convert the language in to easy to digest, simple terms.

  • Tone -> Make engaging: This quick action converts your content in to more engaging tone while keeping the core ideas of the text in tact. If you aren't a seasoned writer, this can be a handy tool to iterate on the copy to get it more interesting for readers.

3) Use Bullet Points

Listicles get 3-5x more engagement than lengthy ramblings. They are easy to quickly skimp through and consume, leading to better engagement. hack: If you are like me and tend to ramble a lot, theres a couple of shortcuts that can come in handy:

  • Structure -> Bullet Points: Convert the selection in to few bullet points

  • Structure -> Make Listicle: This recipe formats your post in to a nicely numbered listicle structure with each point elaborated with a short description.

4) End with a call to action

This invites readers to engage with the post, resulting in LinkedIn algorithms to push out the article for more eye balls.

Here are some quick examples:

“Have you experienced something similar? Let’s discuss below.”

“Curious to hear your take on this—drop a comment!”

“If you found this helpful, give it a like and share with your network.”

“Want to know more? Send me a message, and let’s chat!”

“Looking for feedback—how would you approach this?”

5) Style The Post

A bit of eye candy can go a long way. Add some relevant emojis to convey the message with a visual summary. Use bolding / italics for stressing key points - again to make skimming through the content easier. hack: Try out the "Social -> Emoji Makeover" shortcut to sprinkle relevant emojis in to your content in one-click!

Pro tip: LinkedIn doesn't support rich text. So how to make text bold / italic? Trick is to use unicode characters that are styled letters resembling bold / italic text. hack: Load your post in extensions' Text editor (Right click on the content and select Rewritely -> Custom Prompt...). It has 2 buttons at the top for "Bolding with Unicode" and "Italicising with Unicode", that converts selected text in to equivalent styled texts - making it a breeze to style your post without needing to copy paste between sites like, etc.

6) Add Hash Tags

Hash tags are a great way to increase your posts visibility and reach the right audience in a targeted manner. hack: Use Social -> Add Hashtags shortcut to quickly add relevant hash tags at t end of your post based on the content of your post.

Bonus Hack 1:

While the primitive shortcuts noted above give a lot of granular control over the transformations, wouldn't it be great if you could just wave a magic wand and get all of the above applied on one go?

Try out Social -> Catchy LinkedIn Post shortcut which:

  • Structures the text in to "Attention grabbing headline", "Intro", "Listicle body", "End call to action",

  • Adds emojis at relevant places in the post

  • Adds hashtags to the post

  • Simplifies language, make it engaging and limits to ~150 words

All in just one click!

Bonus Hack 2:

With, you are not limited to the shortcut prompts that come pre-packed with it. You can define your own custom prompts where you can combine multiple transformations to apply and even have personalized prompts that re-write in your preferred writing style targeting your audience every time. For instance, you could have a prompt like:

"I am a tech blogger writing about up and coming tech gadgets. My audience is tech savvy young readers. I write in a witty engaging tone, with references to practical utility of the gadgets I talk about".

Now, you can just right click on any content - and transform them in to posts that are in "your voice", targeted to your audience, instead of having generic AI sounding posts.

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